Saturday, September 10, 2011

Assignment #5: Multimedia Project

Here is my screenr video. I already wrote about how it works and how you could use screenr in the classroom in my previous post. One thing I didn't mention is how I bumped my glass of water during the recording. I guess it's good to know that the recording will pick up background noise pretty easily. So, here it is embedded, which I have to admit probably took me longer than it needed to. First I just had the image embedded without the audio, but I figured out that you needed to put the embedded code directly into the HTML, or have it linked up to a YouTube video, select "insert video" and go from there. So, that's all. I'm excited to see how this will work in my classroom. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful narration. Think of all the possibilities of having children read and post for others to hear!
